
LPs deposit USDC and receive OLP tokens, representing their share in MM Vault.


LPs can deposit USDC at any time into the LP Market Making Vault and receive the equivalent in OLP tokens, representing a claim on the pool's assets and rewards. OLP tokens can be freely transferred or traded on secondary markets. Tokens also accrue rewards directly into the token value, rather than requiring a separate claiming module for rewards.


LPs can also optionally choose to lock their deposits for up to 365 days, boosting their rewards in the process through a discount on OLP token value at mint. Locked deposits are represented through an NFT (no image) in a user's wallet that can be redeemed at unlock for the corresponding number of OLP tokens.

Launch Phase 0: Deposit Derby

Mainnet Launch will begin with Phase 0: the Deposit Derby. This 3-week period will feature boosted yields on OLP tokens, enabling more favorable conversion rates to OLP tokens, effectively boosting users' share of rewards relative to later depositors. Derby participants will be required to lock for a minimum of 45 days – until 2 weeks after trading begins – and a maximum of 365 days.

Last updated