Step-By-Step Tutorial
Last updated
Last updated
First, connect your wallet to Ostium's interface:
For testnet users, claim ETH via Alchemy's faucet and USDC via Ostium's faucet, directly in-app:
Select your desired market from the drop-down menu in the trade form:
Select Side (long, short), Order Type (market, limit, stop), Collateral Amount, and Leverage (1-200x, depending on the asset). Traders can also input Estimated Size (in units of the asset traded), backing out leverage or collateral:
Optionally set Take Profit or Stop Loss conditions. Take profit orders at 10x (900%) gain are automatically set to reduce tail event risk for LPs. (Please note: maximum and mandatory TPs of 10x is enforced; over time the protocol may increase this threshold or eliminate it entirely should risk management analysis determine they no longer be necessary).
Optionally check fee breakdown by clicking into fee section and hovering over tooltips detailing your precise fee breakdown:
Select buy (or sell, for shorts):
Confirm trade conditions. Traders can optionally choose to bypass this confirmation step in the future by selecting "hide order confirmation":
Confirm order in browser wallet extension (smart wallet is not supported yet, but soon users will bypass this step and proceed directly to order execution through one-click-trading):
That's it! Monitor your trades in real-time in the "Trades" tab beneath the asset chart.
Find the trade you'd like to close under the "Trades" tab beneath the chart or in the "Positions" section on the Portfolio page:
Approve the transaction in your browser wallet extension:
That's it! See a summary of your remaining open positions as well as your historical (closed) positions under the Portfolio page: